Thursday, February 16, 2012

Brazil movie

The eye Catching things that I saw on the movie is one the girl with the angel wings that was in a small parade that celebrated something religious and her parents didn't show up yet her grandma did. The second thing i remember is the woman in the parade that was like the super bowl and fourth of July combined!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Brazil Wonderings

  • Why is there hair so much darker?
  • Why are they so tan?
  • Is there Beach different than ours?
  • How tall is the building in Rio De Janeiro?
  • What is there most common animal?
  • What kind of money do they have?
  • What religions do they have?
  • How bad is there pirating?
  • What type of crops do they grow there?
  • Do we actually live in Brazil?
  • Why do they like soccer so much?

Thursday, February 2, 2012

India Reflections

What did you learn?
I learned that you must always great the eldest first in India.

How can you use (apply) what you learned?
I can now know that when I walk in to some ones house I should always great the eldest first.

If you could do this project again what would you do diffrently and why?
I dont think I'd do anyhting diffrent.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Being a TESLA student!

Being a TESLA student means:
-being free to set up your own criculum.
-being an online school
-being responsible respectful and kind
-not having to wear shoes
-getting plenty of exercise
-being layed back and calm although we have our crazy moments
-being a small school (27 students in the whole school)
Being technolagy enginering science learning acadamey: TESLA