Thursday, March 15, 2012

Driving Questions/plan

What’s it like to live in France today?



Format used - i movie
  1. Get information
  2. Make video script
  3. practice video
  4. record video
  5. present video

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

France Questions

1. Whats it like living in France?
2. How do most people talk there?
3. What is there main religion?
4. Why does France have its name?
5. Why is there flag the colors that they are?
6. What food is the most popular?
7. Who is there leader?
8. What war were they in?
9.  How was there main language created?
10. Do they have schools like TESLA?
11. What was there religions values?
12. What is there main Terran?
13. Do they have nude beaches like in Brazil?

Friday, March 2, 2012

Brazil Project Reflection

Good things: I think the good things about my project is that we presented very well and worked hard on it.

Bad things: I think the bad things were that our project might have been offensive to some one from Brazil.

                                        That was my reflection of my Brazil project!

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Brazil movie

The eye Catching things that I saw on the movie is one the girl with the angel wings that was in a small parade that celebrated something religious and her parents didn't show up yet her grandma did. The second thing i remember is the woman in the parade that was like the super bowl and fourth of July combined!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Brazil Wonderings

  • Why is there hair so much darker?
  • Why are they so tan?
  • Is there Beach different than ours?
  • How tall is the building in Rio De Janeiro?
  • What is there most common animal?
  • What kind of money do they have?
  • What religions do they have?
  • How bad is there pirating?
  • What type of crops do they grow there?
  • Do we actually live in Brazil?
  • Why do they like soccer so much?

Thursday, February 2, 2012

India Reflections

What did you learn?
I learned that you must always great the eldest first in India.

How can you use (apply) what you learned?
I can now know that when I walk in to some ones house I should always great the eldest first.

If you could do this project again what would you do diffrently and why?
I dont think I'd do anyhting diffrent.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Being a TESLA student!

Being a TESLA student means:
-being free to set up your own criculum.
-being an online school
-being responsible respectful and kind
-not having to wear shoes
-getting plenty of exercise
-being layed back and calm although we have our crazy moments
-being a small school (27 students in the whole school)
Being technolagy enginering science learning acadamey: TESLA

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

India Day One

1.What is the goal of your group project?
Answer: Me and my partners goal is India costumes we are doing our project on a prezi

2. What is your project plan?
 Answers: Our project plan is to get information about India customs and gather photos together.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Global awareness definition

To be aware of other countries issues and difficulties and good things.

global awarness definition

Global awareness is looking at the world as a whole instead of looking at it in individual countries. Such as the economy,environment,culture, and politics. › All › Society › Philosophy